Thursday, March 29, 2012

Seriously?! 6 Months changes EVERYTHING.

I can't believe it's been six months since I last wrote here. Well, I suppose I can believe it especially with school. But there have been some really unpleasant moments in the past couple of months that I kind of just need to get out of my system.

February 18th, I woke up at 3 in the morning with a massive migraine and my right arm and hand numb. This wasn't too terribly surprising as I have had it happen before. I suffer from an autoimmune disease called Multiple Sclerosis. If you'd like to learn more about this disease, click here. I dealt with this though but about 5 days later, I started feeling very sick and spent 24 hours throwing up so my sister took me to the hospital. Once I was released, we quickly realized that my left eye had turned inward towards my nose. This sent me to my neurologist who put me on very powerful IV steroids. This corrected the vision issue but I am still left with both of my hands and my right foot numb.

March 12th, I was going through my normal day at home (where I've been for a while... more on that later) when I suddenly receive a text message from Mike. HE BROKE UP WITH ME!!! To add to it, he said it was because my sister wrote something about him on Facebook. Which she didn't. But, I had started to feel like there was something not right with our relationship when he only saw me once for one hour since Valentine's Day. Here are the even more difficult things to deal with:
(1) He did this the day before our one year anniversary. Sucky right? HA - you aint seen nothin yet...
(2) Come to find out, he's been wanting to break up with me since before Christmas but waited until he had his new girlfriend (who is 38 and lives in San Antonio) interested before doing it.
How messed up is that?! He texted me to break up with me! I haven't seen him in over a month. I haven't spoken to him since March 11th. Nothing. So sad.

March 13th, I received a letter from my school district asking for my resignation. This is because my ex (Bryan) decided to send an old picture of my students I had sent him years ago while we were dating to the district. Me sending pictures to people is against our district policy. I never expected him to do something like this though.

So, I am unemployed, not married or even dating, with two numb hands and a numb foot. I'm moving in with my sister on Saturday and I'm going to spend a little while (a few days) feeling sorry for myself.