Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Inconvenient Truth

I don't claim to be perfect. I wish I was though. There are some things about me that I wish I had the courage/motivation to work on. Here is the inconvenient (for me) truth:

1. I am insecure about my relationship with my boyfriend.
I was in love my junior year of high school. I mean, completely irrevocably in love. I truly thought I was going to marry this guy. Then, he went out of town with his friends, came back, and broke up with me. I was devastated. To the point where it took me 10+ years to completely get over it. I never allowed myself to love like that again - until now. I am older now, so I understand love better - so it's a different kind of love. It's a pure, nothing withheld, whole hearted love. And it scares the crap out of me. I don't think I could handle another break-up like the one from high school. So, I am insecure about my relationship with Mike.

2. I am super lazy.
I have to set a timer to get myself to do things. 15 minute increments. I clean the kitchen for 15 minutes, then reward myself with 30 minutes of T.V. I fold laundry for 15 minutes, then reward myself with a 30 60 minute nap. This is okay acceptable during the summer, but during the school year, it's not so good.

3. I set unobtainable goals for myself.
This summer, I'm going to get back to my high school weight. Problem? See #2.

4. I really don't know what I'm doing.
As a teacher, I have 18-23 kids depending on me to know what I'm doing. And most of the time, I'm still not sure. I wish they would have taught me that in college. I hope that what I'm doing is right, but I'm not sure most of the time.

5. I envy other peoples' lives.
I wish I could have a fulfilled life like some of my friends. I know I shouldn't envy them, but I can't help it! I want to be married, have children, go on wonderful vacations with my husband...

What are your inconvenient truths?
How do you motivate yourself to make big changes in your life?

1 comment:

  1. Hey lady! I love that you have a blog:) Well first of all I can pretty much sympathize with many of these feelings... but know that God's timing is always perfect even if it feels like you are constantly waiting. It would be impossible to say oh don't worry but we are human right. Just cherish the moments that you have and good things will come:)
