Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Accomplishments Today

Please Note: The title for this blog entry is completely, 100% sarcastic.

8:36 am - woke up and mentally calculated that I only needed 7.5 hours of sleep last night
8:45 am - moved to the couch and continued reading the Jen Lancaster novel I started last night
At this point, I stopped keeping track of the time for a little while...
- Contemplated going to the pool to swim some laps (until I remembered the notice from the apartment complex that there is a federal recall on the drains that we have in the pool so the pools are closed until further notice... they should go to the pool now and tell the loud, annoying kids that they are going to get sucked into the sewer system)
- Put exactly 3 glasses in the dishwasher
- Looked at my favorite teacher website ProTeacher and wrote a reply to the post I did yesterday about simplifying my life in the classroom
- Did a few things with my city on facebook (damn games get me every time)
- Continued reading my Jen Lancaster novel
- Hit snooze on the alarm on my cell phone every 30 minutes (designed to remind me that every 30 minutes I should get up off the couch and do something productive for at least 5 minutes)
- Cleaned up the dining room and put away my couponing binder (I even threw away some expired coupons - yay me for cleaning up!)
- Vacuumed (Granted, it was the Roomba that vacuumed but I cleaned the thing out before I set it on it's merry way around my apartment...)
- Sent a text message to Mike about having a good day at work
- Watched the Full House episode where DJ goes on a diet (really... I should have gone and worked out)
- Thought about writing a blog about all of the excuses I could come up with to not work out (the episode of Full House would have been included)
- Texted my friend in California, Olivia, to make sure I was still able to use my cell phone (I'm running a little short on money right now so I didn't pay my bill this month)
- Got a text back from Olivia prompting me to wonder why Mike didn't answer me like he usually does
- Contemplated writing lesson plans for the awesome USA Lapbook I created yesterday
- Put a bunch of white laundry in the washer
- Restarted the dryer so the towels wouldn't get wrinkled
- Finished reading the Jen Lancaster novel (very funny - I highly recommend her books)
- Changed my shirt and put on a sports bra (maybe that will motivate me to work out...)
- Sat down to write this blog post

Wow. What a day. I love summer break when I can have days like this and only feel slightly guilty about the fact that everyone else is off at their jobs working their butts off. Because come August...

I will attend department and curriculum meetings, professional developments, work on tons of lesson plans, organize my classroom, set up cutesy bulletin boards (vom... I hate doing that), try to figure out a way to keep myself organized (which will go out the proverbial window two weeks into the school year), look up all the details on the new students coming to my class (the AP said and I quote, "Your gift is your curse Jenkins" which means I'm going to have all the bad kids in my class again this year since I'm one of the few teachers who can wrangle them in), arrange my classroom, sort through the massive classroom library I've accumulated, and attend wonderful meetings with my team where my opinion on scheduling things and what events I'm willing to go to won't matter because I don't have a husband or kids to schedule around (HEY! Um... my nap schedule is very important. Don't mess with it.).

So yeah, I don't feel bad about my complete lack of progress today. Except that my parents are coming into town tomorrow and my apartment still looks like a 5 year old cleaned it. Guess I should get to that... right after I check on my city on facebook....

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